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How do I disable the VAT submission reminder emails?

We send you periodic reminders when your VAT returns are due, these are at set days depending on your VAT period:

  • When your VAT period ends,
  • 7 days before your VAT return becomes overdue
  • The day your VAT return becomes overdue 

If you no longer need to submit your VAT returns, you may still get reminder emails from MTDsorted. This is because we load your VAT obligations from HMRC and in some cases these will continue to be listed on your account.

To disable the notification emails for your company, you should visit your Company Configuration, then select the VAT returns settings. You will then see a VAT notification preferences card that contains a toggle. By turning this off, you will no longer receive any notifications from us.

Go to VAT return settings

Posted 1 year ago
Last updated 1 week ago