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Do you support the flat rate scheme?

You're able to submit VAT returns with us for any VAT scheme, this includes the flat rate scheme.

When using MTDsorted as a bridging software

When entering your VAT values to the VAT return, you should ensure that the flat rate percentage (and any additional discounted rate) is applied to your calculations before entering them into the VAT form.

We do not apply the flat rate percentage when creating your VAT return.

When using MTDsorted to calculate your VAT return from transactions

When calculating your VAT return using transactions entered directly into MTDsorted, we'll take into account both your flat rate and any discounted rate that you qualify for.

You'll need to set your flat rate category and the date you joined the flat rate scheme in your company configuration to ensure that we can calculate the percentage correctly.

This will be automatically calculated and applied for your VAT return before you submit.

Posted 9 months ago
Last updated 9 months ago