
24.04 Release notes

🔗 Outbound webhook support

You can now setup outbound webhooks to share data from MTDsorted to other platforms. 

Initially, we're rolling this out with events for transactions, allowing you to share when a transaction is created, updated, reconciled and deleted. Each event is sent directly to your external platform and will allow you to keep track of your business and perform further actions based on these changes.

We're going to be adding more events available on webhooks in the next releases. This will include events for invoicing, VAT returns and our reminders.

Outbound webhooks are available to all users with an active paid plan.

Create a webhook

⏩ Full list of changes:

[Added] You can now setup outbound webhooks to send data between MTDsorted an other platforms. 

[Updated] We'll now show you a popup with details about why your VAT return could not be submitted to HMRC.

[Fixed] We’ve fixed an issue where users on older version of Safari on Mac were unable to relink their Government Gateway account, previously needing to use a different browser.
Posted 7 months ago by Stuart
Last updated 6 months ago