
24.03 Release notes

💌 Email verifier

We've created a brand new tool to help you identify if an email you've received from either HMRC or MTDsorted is genuine or not. By uploading the email to our tool, we complete a few checks on both the email headers and content to help confirm if the email is from MTDsorted or HMRC.

Although we want to say it's 100% accurate, you should always use your best judgement when opening emails from senders you're not expecting an email from. 

Email verifier

📆 Improvements to the activity dashboard

As part of this release, we've given the activity dashboard some love, this includes adding in the ability to filter by user, activity type and a specific date range.

We've also added in a link to view the item associated with that activity, for example if you make a change to a VAT return we'll now show you a link to that VAT return. You'll start to see these on changes that you make going forward.  


🧮 Corporation Tax

We've rolled out the first part of introducing Corporation Tax to MTDsorted. We'll now automatically calculate the income, outgoings and show you the total Corporation Tax amount you owe at both 25% & 19%. 

Throughout the next few weeks, we'll be looking more into adding more features and breaking this down further to give you a full Corporation Tax report

This is available now to all customers on a paid plan. 


⏩ Full list of changes:

[Added] Added a link to our outgoing emails highlighting our help article on how to identify if they are genuinely from MTDsorted.
[Added] Added a link to the item associated with an activity. 
[Added] Added filters to the activity dashboard to allow you to search by user, activity type & a date range.
[Added] Corporation Tax calculations
[Improved] VAT Obligations that have been fulfilled will now be grouped by their submission date, rather than the due date on the Tax Overview page.
[Improved] Previously, updating the name on your account would not display in the navigation until you refreshed. This'll now happen straight away.
[Improved] We've further improved performance across the platform including for those with multiple managed companies.
Posted 7 months ago by Stuart
Last updated 7 months ago